Tuesday, October 28, 2008



I'd like to see this guy try to explain the broken bones in the emergency room. When his kid is sitting in school with a dumb look on his face, he's going to wonder why.


Shai said...

Hey, where di you find that old video of Mr. Scam and his dad? ;)
Seriously, he's gonna kill that baby if it doesn't turn out retarded or with a bunch of broken bones.

Shai said...

Yeah! He could cause that kids brain to bleed by tossing it around, not to mention break it's arms or pull them out of joint. That baby needs a new home. :-(

AnnieAngel said...

How many times do you thik he dropped the baby while doing that? It's obviously not the first time he's done it, it's choreographed for crying out loud.

Where's the mother????? On crack?