Saturday, October 6, 2007

Poor Babygirl

Poor Babygirl had a slight ear infection last week. My instincts told me "NO" when the Dr gave her Amixicillin. The Dr assured me that not as many people are allergic these days. Right! Babygirl has THIS rash all over her body. And Benedryl doesnt help one bit.
Poor thing.


Shai said...

AAAAAAAAAA! That's horrible! Poor thing. :(

Anonymous said...

that looks awful, poor little girl if only doctors would listen.

Anonymous said...

It is awful you take someone to doctor to make them feel better and they end up worse then they were in the beginning

scammy said...

Seriously! That dr should be slapped.

Gem said...

Poor thing! I know just how she feels. Is she doing any better?

scammy said...

Shes much better today. Yesterday it started to "drain" from the top down. First her forehead cleared and then the rest of her face. Today her body seems lighter and her legs are just still bright and blotchy.

She will never get that horrible stuff again. I was freaked!