Friday, July 6, 2007


Here is BabyGirl and Bubby waiting for Dada to come home. I think this was the first time the dog ever willingly let Babygirl touch him. He usually runs away. Notice the hand full of ear?


AnnieAngel said...

I'm sure Bubby loves it when she squeals, "DADA'S HOME!! YAYAYAY!!!" in that real high pitch baby voice. LOL.

Shai said...

What a good boy! I'm happy he's not so afraid of babys now. Tyr is playing well with Sandtrout too. Can you believe it?
She looks so cute in that pink onesie!

Anonymous said...

Boy she is really growing up fast, and we really haven't got to see her that much up her.

Shai said...

guilt trip

scammy said...

Do y ou think I should move in with you>?

Shai said...

You can move in with me. I need the company. I'm so lonely. The Sandtrout is good company and everything, but sometimes it's nice to have another adult around.

Shai said...

I'm waiting for you to put something new on your blog....